"It always seems IMPOSSIBLE until it's done." -Nelson Mandela
Brainchild’s DIY robotics and technology workshops specialize in highly structured courses emphasizing science & technology, engineering and computer programming. All projects require an interactive hands-on approach to learning incorporating creative and critical thinking, construction and assembly and computer programming skills.
Classes at the workshop are taught in small group classes (student:teacher ratio is 3:1 max) or if requested, in one-on-one sessions. Classes are individualized according to your child's ability level. All course fees are quoted for small group classes.
Makers Projects - NEW!
Harry Potter DIY Wand Design and create STEAM Art House of Games VEXGO
"Year of Rabbit Pendant"

Junior Robotic Workshops (6-12 years old)
Our junior robotics course is a great starter for anyone with an interest in robotics and construction. Our course will give young children the basic knowledge around construction and assembly. Once these fundamental skills are developed, the course is expanded into introductory computer programming skills and utilizing servomotors and sensors to control their own robots.
Soldering Workshops (8+ years old)
A must for further study into Design and Technology, students will learn the following step by step with a hands-on approach to projects: Learn soldering skills to fuse electronic components. Construct a diverse range of electronic projects. Upgrade and improve solar powered toys.
3D Printing Workshop (7+ years old)
This 3D printing workshop will allow you to generate and create workable gadgets and toys using 3D printing and computer drafting software. The course will start learning and understanding the Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) software to draw objects on the computer which they will generate using the 3D printing software and assemble by using the program called Scratch software.

Advanced Robotics Workshop (10+ years old)
We offer several different advanced robotics workshops that offer children a challenging and engaging range of projects. These workshops require creative thinking and problem solving. Each workshop will test your child's construction and design skills to computer programming and problem solving ability. Some have required prerequisite workshops that must be taken prior to taking these advanced workshops; please enquire with our workshop or WhatsApp us on 9184-0848 for details.

VEX Robotics
VEX is now being used in many international and ESF schools as part of their STEM program as well as in their robotics after school programs. Learn the basic build and programming and try out your skills with this year's game. Be a part of your school's robotics club!